muga silk

Shop Exquisite Muga Silk Sarees Online with Prices from Mavuri 


Unravelling Elegance Muga Silk Sarees from Mavuri  


Indulge in the allure of luxury with Mavuri's exquisite collection of Muga Silk Sarees! Get ready to dive into the world of opulence and sophistication as we explore the captivating charm of Muga silk – a fabric like no other. Shop now with detailed price lists on Muga Silk sarees.

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A Glimpse into History The Origin of Muga Silk Sarees  

Originating from the northeastern state of Assam, Muga silk has a legacy steeped in tradition and culture. It is renowned for its natural golden hue, which exudes a royal elegance like no other. Muga silk sarees have adorned royalty and dignitaries for centuries, symbolizing opulence and refinement. Shop this exquisite weave here at Mavuri and enrich your wardrobes with a culture that spans centuries.    

The Art of Weaving Crafting Muga Silk Sarees  

The weaving technique involved in creating the exquisite Muga silk sarees is a true testament to the skill and dedication of our artisans. Muga silk, derived from the cocoons of silkworms native to Assam, is woven with precision to create fabrics that are soft, lustrous, and incredibly durable. The delicate patterns and designs woven into each saree add to its timeless appeal, making it a cherished possession for generations to come.  

Understanding Muga Silk How It Differs from Kancheepuram Silk  

While both Muga silk and Kancheepuram silk are celebrated for their luxurious textures and exquisite designs, they differ in several aspects. Muga silk is known for its distinctive golden hue, which is naturally derived from the silkworms' diet of specific leaves in Assam. In contrast, Kancheepuram silk is renowned for its heavy and rich feel, often adorned with intricate motifs inspired by temple architecture. While both fabrics exude elegance, Muga silk stands out for its unique golden sheen and unparalleled durability.  


Caring for Your Muga Silk Sarees 5 Essential Tips  

  1. Store your Muga silk sarees in a cool and moisture-free place, away from direct sunlight, to prevent the natural golden hue from fading.
  2. Avoid hanging Muga silk sarees for extended periods to prevent stretching of the fabric. Instead, fold them neatly and store them in a breathable cotton saree bag.
  3. Refrain from spraying perfume directly onto Muga silk sarees, as it can damage the delicate fibres. Opt for a light spritz on your body instead.
  4. Dry clean your Muga silk sarees only when necessary, and always choose a trusted dry cleaner experienced in handling delicate fabrics.
  5. Before wearing your Muga silk saree, gently steam or iron it on low heat to remove any wrinkles and restore its natural lustre.


Experience the epitome of luxury with Mavuri's stunning collection of Muga silk sarees with prices. Embrace the timeless elegance and unmatched beauty of Muga silk as you adorn yourself in these exquisite sarees – a true treasure for any wardrobe.